Beyond milk: 9 calcium-rich drinks to add to your diet

Curd and chia seeds To make this simple drink, take a cup of curd, add in two-theee tablespoons of chia seeds along with a handful of soaked almonds, and one tsp of date jaggery. Make a smooth blend and enjoy.

Almond milk and sesame seeds smoothie To make this hearty drink, blend in almond milk with two tsp sesame seeds, a pinch of cinnamon and honey. Blend it together and enjoy a hearty calcium and vitamin D-rich drink.

Sesame seed drink ‘Til ka Dudh’ also known as sesame seed milk is an excellent source of calcium, which helps in better synthesis of vitamin D, which helps in boosting bone density and improves bone health.

Fig shake This shake is super easy to whip up. Just toss two-three figs into a blender with a glass of milk and blend away. Throw in some seasonal fruits for a fruity twist. 

Almond and spinach smoothie Almonds and spinach are calcium-rich foods. Blend them with cinnamon, nutmeg and milk and you have one of the most calcium packed smoothies to begin your day. 

Ginger tea Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds and can be soothing for the bones. Make ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water. You can add honey or lemon for taste.

Orange smoothie Orange is a powerhouse of nutrients. Mix carrots, oranges, dates yoghurt and chia seeds for a drink that is loaded with calcium and other stuff that is good for the body. 

Pineapple-kale smoothie Enjoy the refreshing combo of kale and pineapple in this tasty smoothie. It is packed with minerals that are useful for your body.

Haldi doodh This haldi doodh is made with coconut milk. It is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory goodness to give your immune system a boost.

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