Beyond Oranges:  10 vitamin-C rich foods for a healthy you

Kakadu Plums These plums, native to Australia, are incredibly high in vitamin C content, which supports immune function, collagen production, and skin health.

Acerola Cherries Acerola cherries are a vitamin C powerhouse, aiding in collagen synthesis, immune system strength, and skin rejuvenation.

Rose Hips Rose hips provide a rich source of vitamin C, assisting in wound healing, skin health, and immune system support.

Chili Peppers Along with adding spice to your meals, chili peppers contain vitamin C, which plays a role in collagen production, wound healing, and antioxidant protection.

Guavas Guavas are packed with vitamin C, contributing to immune health, skin vitality, and cellular protection from oxidative stress.

Sweet Yellow Peppers These peppers are vitamin C champions, promoting collagen production, immune system function, and healthy skin.

Black Currants Black currants are excellent sources of vitamin C, aiding in collagen formation, immune support, and skin health.

Cantaloupe Rich in vitamin C, cantaloupe supports immune system function, collagen synthesis, and skin rejuvenation.

Parsley This herb contains vitamin C, benefiting collagen production, immune system strength, and skin health.

Mustard Spinach Mustard spinach provides a dose of vitamin C, which supports collagen formation, immune health, and skin vitality.