10 Indian Herbs to Boost Immunity During Monsoon

Published by: Priyanka Deshpande

India is currently experiencing a deluge of heavy rains & severe waterlogging. The resultant conditions have led to an increase in infections & illnesses. To stay healthy during this period, here are 10 Indian herbs that can help strengthen your immune system during the monsoon season.


Packed with antioxidants and essential oils, Tulsi helps combat infections and enhances immunity. Sipping on Tulsi tea or adding a few leaves to your daily diet can do wonders for your health.


Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate respiratory issues and enhance immunity. Consuming ginger tea or incorporating it into your dishes can be beneficial during the monsoon.


Neem is a powerful herb with antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Chewing on Neem leaves or using Neem supplements can bolster your immunity and protect you from common monsoon ailments.


Honey, rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system by combating harmful pathogens. Regular consumption supports overall health and enhances the body's ability to fight infections and illnesses.


Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing effects. Adding a pinch of turmeric to your meals or drinking turmeric milk can be beneficial for strengthening immunity.


Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the citral and geraniol content in lemongrass has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Consumption of lemongrass tea or adding it into your diet enhances overall health and immune function.


Garlic contains allicin, a powerful compound with antimicrobial and antiviral properties that boost the immune system. It is also rich in antioxidants. Regular consumption of garlic in your diet improves immune response and overall health.


Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, helps the body adapt to environmental changes, making it a valuable asset during the monsoon season. Including Ashwagandha in your diet or taking it in the form of capsules can strengthen your immune system.


Triphala, made from Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, supports the immune system through detoxification, improved digestion, and enhanced nutrient absorption. Regular use promotes a healthy immune system and overall well-being.


Giloy, known as the "Root of Immortality" in Ayurveda, is a potent immunomodulatory herb. It detoxifies, purifies the blood, and boosts the body's resistance to infections. Taking Giloy juice or supplements enhances your immune response, especially during the monsoon.

Disclaimer: Consult a healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner before incorporating these herbs into your routine, especially if you have health conditions or are on medication.

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