Boost your lung health with these 8 indoor plants

Keep a Snake Plant in your bedroom and wake up breathing fresh. It’s a best choice for improving indoor air quality and promoting lung health.

Snake Plant

Not only does it complements your décor, but a Peace Lily filters out common indoor pollutants, including ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde, supporting optimal lung health.

Peace Lily

Aloe Vera produces oxygen at night, which improves the quality of the air you breathe while sleeping, along with enhancing lung function.

Aloe Vera

Spider Plant promotes cleaner air for healthier lungs, removing pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene, commonly found in household items.

Spider Plant

Boston Fern protects your lungs by removing toxic chemicals from the atmosphere and absorbing them within itself.

Boston Fern

Money Plant can be your lungs’ best friend, as this low-maintenance plant eliminate airborne pollutants and toxins, leaving your surroundings with fresher air.

Money Plant 

Areca Palm is another popular choice when it comes to your lung heath, as it boosts  humidity, making breathing a lot easier.

Areca Palm

Rubber Plant have large leaves, which absorbs large amounts of air-borne pollutants, improving the air around you, resulting in healthier lungs.

Rubber Plant