Bow Wow:  The most popular dog breeds in the world

Playful, smart, and adaptable, the French bulldog is among the most popular dog breeds.

1. French bulldog

These dogs are incredibly adaptable and skilled. They are great at search and rescue and make for the best companions. 

2. Labrador Retrievers

Well-known for their devotion and affection, they are friendly and intelligent. Goldies are they perfect family pets.

3. Golden Retrievers

German shepherds are incredibly popular dogs that will continue to make wonderful, devoted companions for many years to come.

4. German shepherds

Poodles are known for their elegance and intelligence. They shed far less than other breeds, which makes them a good choice for those who suffer from allergies. 

5. Poodle

Bulldogs are gentle-natured and get along with people and other dogs. And they loved to be cuddled.  

6. Bulldog

Rottweiler is a working dog breed well-known for its confidence and intelligence. They are protective and are excellent guardians. But they need plenty of space, regular exercise and mental stimulation.  

7. Rottweiler

Beagles are friendly, curious, and have a keen sense of smell. They are commonly used as scent hounds.

8. Beagle

Dachshunds, known for their elongated bodies and playful nature, are commonly referred to as “wiener dogs”. They are curious and enjoy exploring.

9. Dachshund

The German shorthaired pointer is a versatile all-purpose gun dog that can hunt and retrieve on land and water. It is energetic and powerful, with strong legs and great endurance.

10. German shorthaired pointer

10 countries that have the most dogs