Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 8 Warning Signs

Producer:  Riya Ashok

A new tumour or lump in the breast is the most typical indication of breast cancer. 

Keep an eye out for any changes to the size, contour, or form of your breasts. 

Check the breast for any odd skin changes, such as redness, warmth, or lingering irritation.

Nipple changes including inversion, discharge, or scaling and flaking of the skin nearby should be assessed.

Breast pain should be discussed with a healthcare professional if it is new or chronic and does not appear to be tied to your menstrual cycle.

Your nipple, which once pointed forth, may have become inverted or retracted as a result of an underlying condition, such as breast cancer.

Lymph node swelling beneath the arm or near the collarbone could be a sign that breast cancer has progressed to the lymph nodes in the area.

Sometimes advanced breast cancer is linked to sudden, unexplained weight loss.