Bulking up:  10 vegetarian foods that are perfect for muscle building

Paneer  A high-protein dairy product, paneer is best for people who want to gain muscles. It is commonly used in Indian cuisine — either grilled or sautéed or even in curries. 

Spinach Popeye loved his spinach and you should too! This green leafy vegetable is rich in iron and antioxidants, making it perfect for muscle building.   

Quinoa  High in protein and essential amino acids, quinoa is perfect for muscle recovery and growth.

Lentils  Packed with protein, fibre, and iron, lentils support muscle repair and overall health.

Chickpeas Chickpeas are rich in protein and complex carbs, aiding muscle building and energy levels.  

Tofu  A versatile source of protein, tofu helps in muscle repair and is easy to incorporate into meals.

Greek Yoghurt  Full of protein and probiotics, Greek yoghurt supports muscle growth and digestive health.

Chia Seeds Chia seeds provide protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and fibre, essential for muscle development.  

Edamame  Edamame beans are protein-rich and contain essential amino acids, perfect for post-workout recovery.

Almonds  Packed with protein, healthy fats, and vitamin E, almonds help repair muscle tissue effectively.

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