Political views and dating – Bumble survey reveals interesting trends


By Priyanka Deshpande

Published Feb 15, 2024

Popular dating app Bumble in its latest research revealed the influence of politics on dating and its impact on finding a potential partner. Here are some key findings from the study.

39% of Indians say they have or would list their political affiliation on their dating app profile.

51% Indian women value a person's political views when considering potential romantic partners.

GenZ daters showcase the ‘Politics’ badge, one of the most popular badges on Bumble, almost 2x more than Millennials in India as of December 2023.

20% of Indians say not having an opinion on key social and political issues is a 'turn off' for them when dating.

41% of Indians say their potential partner engaging in politics and voting is important to them.

69% of Indians are more attracted to someone who actively engages in societal issues.

69% of Indians say it is important that their potential partner is aware of current politics and votes.

A whopping 77% of Indians find a partner who votes attractive.

46% of GenZ believe political affiliations or views are more important for their generation than previous or their parents' generations.

15% GenZ and 12% millennials say they will not date someone who doesn't vote.

50% Indian women say it is important for them to talk about key social issues while getting to know someone romantically to gauge compatibility.

40% of Indians believe there are likely more similarities than differences in what people 'across the aisle' think.

44% of Indians say open-mindedness on key political issues is their number one 'green flag’.

40% Indians believe that discussion on politics has become too divisive.

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