Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Cabbage To Apple: 10 Foods For Healthy Kidneys

Cabbage: It contains several helpful compounds and vitamins including vitamin C and Vitamin K and is also naturally low in sodium. Cabbage is rich in insoluble fibre which adds bulk to stool and thus, keeps the digestive system healthy.

Sweet Potato: It contains a high amount of vitamins and minerals. Sweet potato also helps in reducing weight and fight obesity.

Cauliflower: Vitamin C, vitamins K and B, folate, fibres and other nutrients including indoles which are full of anti-inflammatory compounds and are found in abundance in this vegetable.

Onion: Onions are one of the most important ingredients which is used in almost every kind of meal we eat. Onions contain vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B and prebiotic fibres.

Kale: Green leafy vegetables are very good for kidneys and thus kale too adds to the list. The food is rich in vitamin and mineral content.

Garlic: It is mostly used to add flavours to the food we cook but very few are aware of the fact that it has lots of nutritional benefits and anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic also has vitamin B6, vitamin C, sulphur compounds and manganese.

Egg whites: It is very high in protein content of good quality helping to keep kidneys healthy.

Apple: There is a famous quote saying an apple a day keeps doctors away. Apples have high protein content which helps reduce the risk factors associated with kidney damage.

Berries: These are a great source of antioxidants and helpful nutrients.

Citrus Fruits: You need to consume more vitamin C to keep your kidney healthy and citrus fruits are the best source for the same. Citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, etc.