Cannibalism: 10 Species That Eat Their Own Kind

Producer: Nishad T

Female praying mantises are notorious for eating their partners just after mating.

Praying Mantis

After mating, female black widow spiders consume their male partners as a source of nourishment.

Black Widow Spiders

Female redback spiders are reported to cannibalize their male mates after mating, just like the black widow.

Redback Spider

Polar bears have been seen cannibalizing in difficult conditions, and males tend to attack youngsters.

Polar Bears

Hamsters, particularly those of the Syrian subspecies, have been known to commit cannibalism.


Female Alligators have been seen eating their own young to control the number of their nests or due to external issues.

American Alligator

Under some circumstances, probably by hunger, Bluegill Fish may consume their own eggs.

Bluegill Fish

Sand tiger shark embryos engage in cannibalism while still in the womb, as the bigger embryos eat the smaller siblings.

Sand Tiger Shark

When resources are few, some rat species practice cannibalism by eating deceased members of their species.


Cannibalism of weaker members of their own species, is a possible outcome for scorpions.
