Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Clove: Its Benefits and Side Effects

Clove is one ingredient that can easily be found in Indian households.

From being a popular spice to having many health benefits, clove is indeed a magical herb. 

Clove contains many important nutrients which makes it enhance the taste and nutrition of the food. It contains fibre, Vitamin K and manganese.

Cloves have low-calorie content and high fibre which prevents our body to put on extra kilos.

 Clove has antimicrobial properties which help in preventing the growth of unhealthy bacteria. 

Premature ejaculation can be treated with clove, which has aphrodisiac properties if used with other ingredients.

Cloves contain a chemical called eugenol which tends to slow down the blood clotting process.

Cloves are effective for people with diabetes as it tends to bring down the high sugar level. However, if consumed in excess, it can interfere with the insulin level and make it drop down excessively.