9 common summer foods that can cause indigestion

By Priyanka Deshpande


Published April  5,  2024

Summer heat, humidity, and specific foods can upset digestion, causing discomfort. Here are some common culprits for summer indigestion.

Rich and spicy food can be heavy on the stomach, especially in hot weather. The combination of spices and oils can irritate the stomach lining and lead to heartburn and acid reflux.

Spicy food

Popular Indian fried snacks like samosas, pakoras, and bhajis are delicious but can be heavy and oily, leading to digestive discomfort, particularly when consumed in excess.

Fried snacks

Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are refreshing summer snacks, but their high acidity can cause stomach irritation, leading to heartburn and bloating.

Citrus fruits

Desserts like ice cream, rasgulla, gulab jamun, and rabri are rich in dairy and sugar content, which can be difficult to digest, particularly for those who are lactose intolerant or sensitive to heavy sweets.

Dairy products

While salads and chutneys made with fresh vegetables are generally healthy, they may harbor bacteria if not prepared and stored properly, leading to stomach upset, particularly in hot weather.

Raw salads and chutneys

Excessive consumption of alcohol harms your digestion by irritating the stomach lining, relaxing the esophageal sphincter, and boosting stomach acid production, leading to indigestion and acid reflux.

Alcoholic beverages

While pickles add flavor to meals, they are high in salt and spices, which can aggravate the stomach lining, particularly if consumed in large quantities during summer.


Carbonated beverages are popular thirst quenchers during summer, but they can cause bloating and discomfort due to their high sugar or carbonation content.

Carbonated drinks

Consuming foods and beverages that are excessively cold, such as ice cream, kulfi, or cold water, can shock the digestive system, leading to discomfort and indigestion, particularly when the body is already heated.

Excessively cold foods