Consider these 9 things before accepting an alluring job offer

Base pay One of the first things to consider is the base pay. If it matches your financial needs only then consider accepting the offer. 

Working hours  Consider the hours that you are required to work in a week. Both longer and shorter working hours are beneficial for the right person. 

Company's culture It is important to check the culture of the company before joining. Interact with former employees on job-seeking platforms to know about it. 

Learning and developement opportunities If you there are little to no learning and upskilling opportunities available, it will be advisable to let go of the offer. As these are an important part of your career take them into consideration. 

Location The location may be an important part to consider that many people miss. If the location of the office is far from your home take into consideration about how you will be getting there. 

Teammates Teammates play an important role in keeping your sanity at the office. Thus, it is important to find out more about your colleagues and bosses.

Networking opportunities Building a professional network is extremely important. Thus, keep in mind how the new job will affect your ability to network. 

Company stability You can take a look at the finances and projections for the company prior to accepting the offer. A company with strong financial performance helps with stability.

Work demands It is better to get an idea about the expectations that you might be required to fulfil. You might also consider if looking at expectations to work outside of working hours. 

Company purpose It is important to understand the purpose of the company. It is important that the company's values and vision matches yours in a bid to excel together. 

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