Cooking with an air fryer?  10 mistakes to avoid 

Preheating an air fryer is essential, just like it is for an oven. Cooking will not turn out evenly if this step is skipped. Prior to adding food, make sure your air fryer is heated up. 

Not Preheating

Some foods are not recommended for use in an air fryer. Steer clear of preparing foods like pakodas and vadas that use a wet batter. Additionally messy foods like cheese and popcorn that doesn't pop perfectly in the air fryer. 

Cooking Unsuitable Foods

While it's understandable that time is of the essence, filling the air fryer basket to the brim can lead to uneven cooking. Cooking in batches is preferable to packing the basket too full.

Overfilling the Basket

Even though air fryers use a lot less oil, some oil is still required. Before adding food, lightly grease the basket to avoid sticking.

Using Too Little Oil

It is important to remember to turn the food halfway through cooking. This guarantees uniform crispiness and browning.

Not Flipping

Clean the air fryer's tray, basket, and other components on a regular basis. Taste and performance can be impacted by maintenance neglect.

Ignoring Maintenance

You should empty the baskets of any grease or crumbs after every use. The residue will get worse the longer you leave it uncleaned, which could eventually cost you your machine.

Not Washing It After Every Use

The most common mistake people make when using an air fryer is to fill the food tray to the brim. Food that is packed into the basket too full will cook unevenly and may even ruin your meal.

Overcrowding The Air Fryer Basket

A common misconception about air fryers is that they are something you can "set and forget." Although this is technically possible, it is not recommended.

Don’t Set It and Forget It

Not all air fryers models suit everyone’s needs. It depends on the amount of food you need to prepare.

Choosing the wrong air fryer

Common workout mistakes to avoid