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Stress is harmful. Beat it with these  evening habits

Incorporating mindful practices into your evening routine can have a profound impact on lowering your cortisol levels or stress hormones. Here are some stress-busting habits that could transform your evenings and pave the way for a calmer tomorrow

Digital detox: Bid farewell to the glaring screens at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by phones and computers can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Opt for a good book, a podcast, or a gentle yoga session to ease into a state of relaxation

Herbal tea: Harness the power of herbal teas to soothe your nerves. Chamomile, lavender, and valerian root teas are known for their calming properties. Brew a cup, take a moment to sip, and let the gentle aromas guide you towards tranquillity

Journals: Unload the day's thoughts onto paper. It is an effective way to declutter your mind, allowing you to process emotions and gain perspective. Reflect on the positive aspects of your day and set intentions for the next, fostering a positive mindset

Warm bath: Indulge in a warm bath  infused with calming essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus. The warm water relaxes your muscles, and the aromatherapy promotes a sense of calm. It's the perfect prelude to a restful night's sleep

Mindful meditation: Embrace the power of mindfulness through meditation. Spend a few minutes in quiet contemplation, focusing on your breath and letting go of the day's stresses. Guided meditation apps can provide valuable assistance for beginners

Gentle stretching: Release tension with some light stretching exercises. Simple yoga poses or a short stretching routine can alleviate muscle stiffness, promoting physical and mental relaxation. It's a great way to signal  to your body that it's time to wind down

Calm atmosphere: Create a calming environment by dimming lights and reducing noise. Consider introducing white noise or soft music to drown out any disruptive sounds. A serene atmosphere contributes significantly to a stress-free evening

Sleep sanctuary: Ensure your bedroom is a haven for rest. Invest in comfortable bedding, keep the room cool and dark, and banish any electronic devices. A dedicated sleep environment promotes better sleep quality, making you more resilient to daily stressors

Gratitude practice: End your day on a positive note by expressing gratitude. Acknowledge the small joys and successes, reinforcing a sense of contentment. Gratitude has a powerful impact on your mindset, fostering resilience in the face of challenges