Cure that sore throat with these 10 effective home remedies 

Salt water gargle

Gargling with warm salt water can help reduce swelling and irritation in the throat. Mix one-two teaspoons of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle several times a day for relief.

Honey and lemon

Honey has natural antibacterial properties, while lemon helps break down mucus. Mix a tablespoon of honey and a squeeze of lemon juice in a cup of warm water or tea.

Herbal teas

Certain herbal teas, such as chamomile, licorice root, and peppermint, have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Sip on warm herbal tea throughout the day to alleviate throat pain.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help kill bacteria and soothe the throat. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water and drink or gargle.

Ginger tea

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Make ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger slices in water, then add honey and lemon for added benefits.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root contains mucilage, which can coat and soothe the throat. Steep dried marshmallow root in boiling water for a few minutes, strain, and drink.

Steam inhalation

Inhaling steam can help moisturise and soothe a dry, sore throat. Boil water, pour it into a bowl, and lean over the bowl with a towel over your head to trap the steam. Breathe deeply for a few minutes.

Steam inhalation

Gargling with a baking soda solution can help reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. Mix one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda and one-fourth teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water.

Use a Humidifier

Running a humidifier in your room can add moisture to the air, which helps keep your throat moist and reduces irritation. This is particularly useful during dry winter months or in dry climates.

Rest and hydration

Finally, one of the simplest remedies is to rest and stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, herbal teas, and broths, to keep your throat moist and support your immune system.

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