Delicious Pineapple Barfi Recipe

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh | August 12, 2024


2 cups of sugar 3 cups of water ½ teaspoon of cardamom powder 2 cups of diced pineapple 1 cup of chopped coconut A dash water 1 cup of custard powder 4½ tablespoons of oil Handful of chopped nuts

In a deep-bottomed vessel, add sugar along with 3 cups of water and cardamom powder and bring it to a boil. Cook it till the sugar dissolves, and remove from heat. The syrup should have a thin watery consistency.

Grind pineapple and coconut with a dash of water to form a purée. Strain it to extract a clear juice of pineapple and coconut. Add custard powder to this extract and whisk it to avoid any lumps.

Add this extract mixture to the hot sugar syrup and slowly mix it. Remember the gas has to be off while mixing it.

Once mixed, switch on the heat and keep stirring the mixture, till it thickens and keep moderating the heat from low to medium-high. Add a tablespoon of oil and keep stirring the mixture for around 3 minutes.

Add another tablespoon of oil and keep stirring the mixture until it is evenly mixed. Continue this step till all the oil is added to the mixture. Keep stirring and cooking the mixture to the point that it is well cooked.

Line a tray with butter paper and pour the cooked mixture on it. Garnish the barfi with chopped nuts and allow it to cool completely. Then put the barfi in the refrigerator for an hour.

After an hour, remove the tray from the fridge, and upturn the tray to release the block of barfi. Remove the butter paper, cut it into squares and serve. The barfi will stay fit to eat for a week if stored in the fridge.