Delicious Rasmalai Recipe For Home

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

Rasmalai is a delectable Bengali dessert, freshly made with chhena balls and soaked in malai. Try this easy recipe to make it at home.

Ingredients Reetha - 3 pieces Cow's milk - 6 cups Sugar - 2 cups Water - 2 cups Tatari - 3 gm Cornflour - 1/2 tsp Maida - 1/2 tsp Saffron strands (As required)

 Ingredients for garnishing Pistas (peeled and sliced) - 1 tbsp Almonds (peeled and sliced) - 1 tbsp rabri (no sugar just condensed milk cooked for a while)

Step 1 Cut open the reetha, discard the seed, and soak the peel in hot water.

Step 2 Heat some more water to blanch the peas. Boil for a couple of minutes. Once the skin becomes nice, soft, and fluffy remove from heat. Cool it, peel the skin off, and slice it.

Step 3 Blanch and peel the almonds in the same way. Once cool slice them too.

Step 4 Boil the milk to make chenna. Keep stirring the milk else it will stick to the pan and burn.

Step 5 Once done. Allow it to cool.

Step 6 In the meantime, make the sugar syrup.

Step 7 Add sugar and water in the same proportions in a pan.

Step 8 Start heating the mixture and keep stirring continuously else the sugar will stick to the bottom and caramelize. When all the sugar dissolves and it becomes nice and thick, put off the fire.

Step 9 Once the milk has cooled down add to it 1 cup of water mixed with tatari. Add it slowly to the milk and keep stirring. Once the milk curdles add a cup of ice cold water to it. Make sure you scrape off all the milk from the sides.

Step 10 Strain the milk into another container with a muslin cloth. Drain it off all the wate

Step 11 Now, add cornflour and maida to the chenna and mix it into a dough. Make small balls out of it and flatten it.

Step 12 Now to make the syrup in which the rasmalai will be dipped heat one cup of sugar with little less than a cup of water. This time the syrup needs to be thicker than what you had made earlier. Once the syrup comes to a boil add 2 Tbsp of the reetha water.

Step 13 Dip the rasmalais gently into the sugar syrup. Do not stir. That will break the rasmalais.

Step 14 Once the foam starts to form. Pat it gently in the center with a spoon so that the foam settles down and the rasmalai comes up. After a couple of minutes add some boiling water to it.

Step 15 As the form settles down, very gently take the rasmalais out and soak them in the sugar syrup made earlier. Warm some milk in a pan (do not boil). Add a dash of saffron to it.

Step 16 Gently squeeze out all the excess sugar syrup from the rasmalais and add them to the milk. (while still on low heat) Mix well for about a minute and then squeeze all the excess milk from them and plate them.

Step 17 Rasmalai is ready, garnished with rabri, pista and almonds.