Dental hygiene: 8 tips to keep your oral health in check

Moneycontrol News | September 06, 2024

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Keeping the mouth disease-free and healthy is essential for oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing are only the tip of the iceberg. More things must be done to keep the scary bacteria at bay

About oral hygiene

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Brush at least twice daily and ensure you brush all surfaces, including the gums and sides of your teeth, to remove bacteria and plaque effectively

Brush regularly

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Use a toothbrush or a tongue cleaner to maintain tongue hygiene. Doing so can enhance your sense of taste, combat bad breath, and improve its appearance

Tongue care

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Use an antibacterial mouthwash in your routine to wash away bacteria, freshen your breath, reduce plaque buildup and mineralise your teeth, especially if it contains fluoride

Mouthwash matters

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Don't shy away from those dental visits—schedule routine dental appointments to catch dental issues like cavities and gum diseases early. If you're prone to dental problems, consider more frequent visits

Regular dental check-ups

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Reducing the consumption of junk food is important for oral health. Bacteria thrive on the remnants of sugary foods and can harm tooth enamel, leading to dental decay

Cut down on junk food

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Calcium is crucial for maintaining strong teeth and can be obtained through foods like milk and cheese. Oranges, papayas, grapes, and pomegranates can also strengthen your gums and teeth

Dietary additions

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After each meal, remember to rinse your mouth to prevent food particle accumulation, which can invite bacteria and lead to dental cavities

Rinse after meals

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Smoking and tobacco use are major contributors to oral diseases and oral cancer. Consider gradually quitting these habits and opting for chewing gum as a replacement

Quit smoking