Darker bedroom could help prevent Type 2 diabetes, says study

Moneycontrol News | July 11, 2024

While it is known that losing weight, regular exercises and healthy diet helps prevent Type 2 diabetes, a new study has revealed a simpler way to cure this disease. Avoid light at night, the study authors suggest

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The study results suggests that those who are exposed to the least amount of light between 12.30 am and 6 am, are least likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, compared to those exposed to most light at night

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The study participants wore a wrist  device equipped with a sensor that  captured 24-hour light exposure over the course of one week. That gave researchers  13 million hours of light sensor data

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This could be because night-time light could interfere with you sleep-wake cycle or circadian rhythm. Maintaining this rhythm is vital for a number of physical functions, including blood sugar regulation

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Note that this master clock mostly takes its cues from the light around us. Unnatural light or darkness can throw off this balance, leading to metabolic dysfunction

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According to the study authors, “light at night was a robust predictor of Type 2 diabetes for both men and women”. Limiting night light reduces risk of Type 2 diabetes, even among those with a genetic risk of the disease

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According to an earlier study, night-time  light, even that coming from a TV in the  room, could contribute to weight gain  and obesity, compared to those who  prefer sleeping in the dark

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According to estimates, as many as 1.3 billion people worldwide could be living with diabetes by 2050. It stood at 529 million in 2021. Medical practitioners call diabetes the  “defining disease of the 21st century”

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Some experts also link night-time light to a number of psychiatric disorders, including depression, cognitive decline, apart from heart diseases

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If you want improve the quality of your night-time sleep, avoid bright lights and bright screens, before bedtime. Regular exercises and a regular sleep schedule will help reset your circadian rhythm

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