Moneycontrol News, August 8, 2023

Deficient in calcium? Boost it with these  in your diet

Images: Canva

Calcium strengthens bones and teeth.  It plays a vital role in keeping heart healthy and helps you move around. Calcium-deficiency will lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis

Yoghurt: It contains enough calcium to help keep the heart healthy. Yoghurt also works to increase the absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract, thus improving calcium levels

Almonds: These are enriched with calcium and magnesium. Consuming almonds can indirectly affect serum calcium. It reduces risks for  metabolic diseases, too

Figs: Both dried and fresh figs are high in calcium content. About 162 mg of calcium can be derived from 100 gm of figs. They also contain potassium, which can synergise and influence bone density

Parmesan cheese: A dairy product, it is digested and absorbed easily compared to other non-dairy sources of calcium. It can help prevent osteoporosis, which is especially common among women

Milk: It is a great source of calcium. Though cow milk has been used for a long time now, goat milk also has a high calcium content. Besides calcium, milk is a source of vitamins A and D as well