Digest This:  10 things to avoid doing after meals

One cigarette after a meal is equal to ten smokes. Following a meal, nicotine from cigarettes is absorbed considerably faster and in greater quantities, affecting the intestines and other organs.


Keep a gap of 30 minutes between eating and taking a shower. Digestion requires a lot of energy, and when you take a shower, the blood vessels divert the flow to the skin, which is dealing with the cold water's impact.


Consuming fruits after a meal can impair the absorption of nutrients from the fruit.


Drinking a lot of water after meals dilutes stomach acid and interferes with digestion.


Tea and coffee contain phenolic chemicals that interfere with the absorption of iron.

Tea or Coffee

Are you the one who lies down after eating. Avoid it, as it causes the digestive juices to rise to the surface, resulting in acute heartburn.


Avoid tasks that require bending forward after meals because they can trigger acid reflux.

Bending Forward

When you go for a walk, you waste the energy that is available in your stomach for digestion. You can go for a walk, after an hour of eating.


Refrain from engaging in strenuous exercises or activities that require a lot of energy immediately after a meal, as it can divert blood flow from the digestive system and hinder digestion.

Strenuous Exercise

Avoid wearing tight or constricting clothing, especially around the abdomen, after a meal. Loosen your belt to allow for comfortable digestion.

Tight Clothing