Do you forget to drink water? Here are some tips

Recognise your body's fluid requirements before deciding to drink extra water. 64 ounces (1,920 ml), or 8 cups, of water per day is a typical guideline.

You can increase your water consumption by setting a daily goal.

Drink a cup of water to start your AM. It will assist you in reactivating your metabolism.

Carry a water bottle with you all day.

Utilise an app or the alarm on your smartphone or smartwatch to set reminders to consume more water.

Replace other beverages, like soda and sports drinks, with water.

If simple water isn't effective, try flavouring it with ginger, strawberries, basil, or a squeeze of lemon.

Making it a routine to have one glass of water prior to each meal is another easy approach to enhance your water intake.

Other options for increasing fluid intake without necessarily consuming something heavy in fat or sugar include plain tea, fruit tea, and coffee.

Another important tip is to eat a lot of hydrated fruits and vegetables, including spinach and watermelon.