Dolphins to dogs: Animals with the best memory

Dolphins Dolphins possess incredible memory, recognising other dolphins' whistles even after 20 years apart.

Elephants  Elephants are known for their exceptional memory, crucial for survival and social interactions. 

Dogs Dogs can remember human commands and experiences for many years, demonstrating strong memory retention.  

Chimpanzees  Chimpanzees exhibit impressive memory, especially in tasks involving numbers and pattern recognition.

Octopuses Octopuses have remarkable memory, enabling them to solve complex problems and navigate mazes.

Crows  Crows are highly intelligent, remembering human faces and solving puzzles with remarkable memory skills. 

Parrots Parrots can recall words, sounds, and experiences over long periods, highlighting their strong memory.  

Squirrels  Squirrels remember the locations of hundreds of buried nuts, showcasing their excellent spatial memory.