Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Dos And Don’ts In A New Relationship 

The beginning of a relationship always ends up giving you butterflies in the stomach.

Here are some basic dos and don’ts of starting a new relationship.


Have open and honest communication with your partner to make a relationship a long-lasting one. Share your thoughts, feelings, and expectations.

Respect boundaries

Respect each other’s personal space as well as boundaries to maintain a sense of autonomy within the relationship.

Quality time

Spend meaningful time with your partner to build a strong emotional connection.

Express gratitude and appreciation

Regularly express gratitude and appreciation for your partner’s qualities and efforts as it promotes feelings of belonging and acceptance.

Don't neglect self-care

Maintain a balance between your relationship and personal well-being.

Don't ignore red flags

Address issues rather than ignore any warning signs in your relationship.

Avoid assumptions

Avoid assuming your partner’s thoughts or feelings. Try to communicate openly if there is any thought.

Build trust

Build trust as it forms the foundation of a healthy relationship.