Driving through fog?  10 tips to keep you safe

You may be driving faster than you realise. Therefore, it is essential to check your vehicle's speed, especially when driving in foggy conditions. It is advisable to gradually slow down and avoid overtaking, changing lanes, and crossing traffic.

Check your speed

Use low-beam headlights in fog to avoid reflections off moisture droplets, making visibility challenging. Always use tail-lights and blinkers to help other drivers spot your car and maintain a safe distance.

Ensure visibility

Use fog lights if available; if not, attach yellow cellophane to headlights for improved visibility.

Fog Lights or Yellow Cellophane

Refrain from using high beams to prevent glare and enhance road visibility.

Avoid High Beams

Turn off your phone, radio, and music. You can also partially open the window to hear traffic.

Minimise Distractions

Drive closer to the curb, follow road markings, and prefer the left side on single-lane roads.

Stay in Lane

Keep an optimal distance from the vehicle in front for better reaction time.

Maintain Safe Distance

Combat condensation by using the heater; ensure clean windows and functional indicators.

Turn On Heater

If stopping is necessary, pull off the road as far as possible, use hazard lights, set the emergency brake, and keep tail lights on.

Safe Parking

Opt for known routes to navigate through fog; avoid unfamiliar or shortcut roads.

Plan Familiar Routes