Easy exercises to begin 2024 with

For easy weight loss

Embarking on a fitness journey in 2024 for easy weight loss can be both exciting and achievable with a repertoire of straightforward exercises. Begin with brisk walks, a low-impact yet effective cardio option that sets the foundation for a healthier lifestyle.

Brisk Walking: Start with daily brisk walks, a simple yet effective exercise for weight loss

Jumping Jacks: Incorporate jumping jacks, a fun cardio workout to burn calories and boost metabolism

Bodyweight Squats: Engage in bodyweight squats to tone legs and enhance overall lower body strength

Push-Ups: Begin with push-ups to target upper body muscles and improve overall strength

Plank Holds: Strengthen core muscles with plank holds, aiding in stability and calorie burning

Lunges: Integrate lunges to work on leg muscles, promoting balance and burning calories

Bicycle Crunches: Embrace bicycle crunches for core activation and effective abdominal muscle engagement