6 easy kitchen hacks for stress-free cooking for busy moms

Moneycontrol News | July 26, 2024

Peeling garlic: This task can be tedious, but there’s a quick trick to make it easier. Place the garlic cloves under the flat side of a knife and give them a quick press

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The skins will loosen and can be removed effortlessly. For an even faster method, use a garlic peeler tube: just insert the cloves and roll

Image: Canva

Prevent boil-overs: Want to save yourself from cleaning up a messy stovetop and keep your cooking area neat? This simple trick will save you

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To prevent your pots from boiling over, place a wooden spoon across the top of the pot. The spoon disrupts the bubbles, preventing them from spilling out

Image: Canva

For fresh herbs: To extend the life of fresh herbs, treat them like flowers. Place the stems in a jar with water and cover the tops loosely with a plastic bag

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Store them in the fridge or on the counter, depending on the herb. This method helps herbs stay fresh for longer periods

Image: Canva

Ice cube tray to the rescue: An ice cube tray isn’t just for making ice. Use it to freeze portions of sauces, broths, or even herbs in olive oil

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This way, you can easily pop out a cube whenever needed, making meal prep faster and reducing waste

Image: Canva

Soften butter instantly: If you need softened butter but forgot to take it out of the fridge, try grating it. The thin shreds will come to room temperature much faster than a solid block

Image: Canva

Odour-free fridge: Keep your fridge smelling fresh by placing an open box of baking soda on a shelf. It absorbs unwanted odours, ensuring your fridge stays clean and odour-free

Image: Canva