Eating rice in the night?  9 reasons you shouldn't

Digestive Process Rice is a complex carbohydrate that takes time to digest. Eating it late at night can disrupt digestion and lead to discomfort.

Caloric Intake Late-night consumption of rice, which is calorie-dense, may contribute to weight gain, especially if the calories aren't utilised before sleep.

Blood Sugar Levels Late-night rice consumption can result in blood sugar spikes, which can be harmful, particularly for diabetics.

Energy Levels Since rice provides a quick energy boost, eating it late at night can interfere with your sleep quality. 

Not a Nutrient-Rich Option Rice lacks vital nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, and vitamins. Eating them alone does not constitute a balanced meal.

Sleep Quality Some people find that eating heavy or carbohydrate-rich meals, such as rice, before bedtime disrupts sleep quality by causing indigestion.

Glycaemic Index Rice has a high glycaemic index, leading to rapid spikes and drops in blood sugar levels, which can affect overall energy balance.

Water Retention Carbohydrates like rice can cause water retention, leading to bloating. 

Insulin Sensitivity Late-night consumption of rice can impact insulin sensitivity, potentially contributing to insulin resistance over time.

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