Essential Rules for Wearing Rudraksha



June 10, 2024

Clean Rudraksha

Source: Canva

Wash away impurities for a fresh start, like cleansing your mind before meditation, preparing it for a powerful connection.

Wear Clean

Source: Canva

Respect the Rudraksha by wearing it on a pure body, like honoring a guest in your home, showing respect for its spiritual significance.

Clean Hands

Source: Canva

Touch it with care, like treating a precious object with reverence, acknowledging its sacred nature.

Natural Thread

Source: Canva

Use silk or cotton, natural materials for natural energy flow, allowing the Rudraksha's power to flow freely.


Source: Canva

Wear it on specific points for targeted benefits, like acupressure for the body, focusing its energy on a desired area.

Respectful Wear

Source: Canva

Avoid dishonoring it with bad actions, like treating a friend with kindness, maintaining a positive and mindful state while wearing it.

Remove Strategically

Source: Canva

Take it off for activities that might damage it, like protecting a valuable book, ensuring its longevity for continued use.

Consult a Pandit

Source: Canva

Seek guidance for a perfect fit, like consulting a doctor for your health needs, ensuring the Rudraksha aligns with your individual needs.

Consider Lifestyle

Source: Canva

Wear it when it suits your activities, like using a raincoat during heavy rain, protecting it from unnecessary wear and tear.

Set an Intention

Source: Canva

Focus on your desired outcome, like planting a seed with a vision for the future, amplifying the Rudraksha's potential to help you achieve your goals.