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Beginner's guide  to running: Start low and slow for maximum benefits

Start low and slow: Follow a schedule that gradually eases you into the activity. Avoid the temptation to push too hard too soon. Intervals are a great way to begin, adjusting your walk-to-run ratio as needed

Focus on time, not distance: For beginners moving beyond intervals, focus on running for a set amount of time rather than distance. This approach helps improve performance safely and prepares you for longer runs

Set achievable goals: Set both small and  large goals, such as running a certain distance or participating in a race. Achieving these milestones boosts confidence and keeps you motivated

Vary your running routes: Avoid monotony and potential injury by changing up your running routes regularly. Join local running clubs or explore different trails to keep your runs exciting and engaging

Fuel your body: Fuel your body with carbs for optimal performance. Hydration is also crucial: drink water before, during, and after your run. Sports drinks can be beneficial for longer runs to replenish electrolytes

Incorporate cross-training: Prevent burnout and injury by mixing cross-training activities like strength training, swimming, cycling, or HIIT workouts. Limit running to 3-4 times per week and include active recovery days

Prioritise stretching and recovery: Warm up with dynamic stretches before your run and cool down with static stretches. Active recovery days help reduce muscle soreness and improve overall performance