You only need  to exercise tWo days in a week. here's why

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Moneycontrol News July 24, 2023

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Heart health

Weekend warriors show notable enhancements in their cardiovascular  health. The intense bursts of exercise over the weekend helps lower blood pressure  and improve overall heart function

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Weight management

Despite working out only on weekends,  you can manage your weight effectively.  This is because of the high-intensity nature  of the workouts, which boosts metabolism and fat burning

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Insulin sensitivity

Weekend exercisers experience improved insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of developing diabetes and related  metabolic disorders

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Mental well-being

Engaging in weekend workouts positively impacts mental health, reducing stress levels and promotes a sense of well-being

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Muscle strength and endurance

Weekend warriors exhibit improvements  in muscle strength and endurance. The intensity of their workouts compensated  for the reduced frequency

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Tip # 1: Choose high-intensity workouts

Since you have limited time, opt for high-intensity exercises like interval training, circuit workouts, or intense cardio sessions. These vigorous exercises can maximise the benefits of your weekend workouts

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Tip # 2: Warm-up and cool down

Prioritise warm-up and cool-down routines to prevent injuries and aid in recovery

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Tip # 3: Stay consistent

Make a habit of dedicating time to  weekend workouts regularly. Consistency  is key to seeing results and reaping long-term health benefits

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Tip # 4: Listen to your body

While high-intensity workouts are effective, ensure you listen to your body and avoid overexertion. Adjust the intensity and duration as needed to avoid burnout and injuries