Exercises to improve your lung health

Cardiovascular Exercises: Brisk Walking, Running or jogging, cycling and swimming are simple yet effective cardiovascular exercise that promotes lung health.

Deep Breathing Exercises:  Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand. Exhale slowly through your mouth. Focus on using your diaphragm

Lung Exercises:  This involves using a device called a spirometer to encourage deep inhalation and improve lung capacity

Aerobic Exercises:  Short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest can improve cardiovascular fitness and lung capacity

Yoga: Certain yoga poses, such as Pranayama (breath control exercises) and poses that focus on expanding the chest

 Tai Chi:  Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art,involving slow, controlled movements and deep breathing, promoting lung health and overall well-being

Strength Training: Weightlifting and building overall strength can improve endurance and make breathing more efficient

Posture Exercises: Improving your posture can help optimize lung function. Perform exercises that focus on opening up the chest and extending the thoracic spine