Are you too tired to be healthy?


YouGov surveyed respondents to uncover barriers to increasing physical activity and adopting a healthy diet.

Thirty-eight per cent of respondents said they lacked “motivation,” while 35 per cent said they were “too tired.”

It was revealed that more than 40 per cent of women identified "exhaustion" as their primary obstacle to exercising.

Whereas only 29 per cent of men shared the same concern.

The gap was glaring even among age groupings.

Close to 50 per cent of younger respondents (ages 25 to 34) pointed to tiredness as a significant factor.

While only 23 per cent of those aged 55 and beyond shared the same sentiment.

According to the poll, respondents were discouraged from being or eating healthier due to a lack of time, expensive gym memberships, and food costs.

Experts say that taking small achievable steps can help without the pressure of overhauling your life.

Physical laziness is natural and normal.

Some experts believe, given the struggle our ancestors faced to survive, our tendency to rest comes from their need to preserve energy.

Others have different explanation, such as adverse childhood experiences with physical activity.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is found to prevent close to 40 per cent of cancer cases.

Additionally, a regular exercise routine might help enhance or encourage sleep.

Moreover, a healthier diet can also be beneficial.

A healthy gut microbiome helps improve sleep, and fruits, vegetables, and legumes are particularly effective for doing this.

According to research, a healthy gut may also affect motivation.