Feeling blue: 10 fruits to make you feel happy

Peel, eat and be happy. Bananas contain a whole lot of tryptophan, which works to regulate the way you feel. The fruit also has folate, which can help in steering clear of low moods and depression. 


Pop some blueberries to drive the blues away. This fruit is rich in antioxidants, which is directly linked to boosting moods, improving memory, and promoting better cognitive functions.


Watermelons are 90 per cent water and science has shown that lack of water and dehydration can cause lack of energy and irritability. 


Oranges are another fruit group abundant in water. It is also rich in potassium and vitamin C. All three have been linked to elevating mood.  


An apple a day really does keep the doctor away. Eating it produces a calming effect, creates more energy, and increases overall happiness. 


Apricots are packed with vitamins and eta-carotene. Both of these have been found to improve moods and boost energy levels.


This citrusy fruit is refreshing and acts as an instant energy boost if incorporated with some water and mint leaves.


Another great fruit to consume to stay happy is pomegranate, as it has high levels of antioxidants. The fruit also contain polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is one of the root causes of depression and anxiety. 


Yes, they are a fruit and they are a good source of folate. Research suggests that folate deficiency may be behind irrational fears and anxiety. 


Coconut is another refreshing fruit linked to improving moods.
