Exercise tips: Don't feel like working out today? Here's what you can do

Moneycontrol News | September 11, 2024

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We all have our off days. The key is to remember that fitness is a journey, and not a one-stop destination. On days that you don’t feel like working out, instead do things that you can easily manage

Stay on your fitness journey

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Whether it is just wearing your gym clothes, tying your shoes, doing a few jumping jacks, or having a pre-workout snack that you enjoy, build a habit that signals your body into action

Give signals to your body

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Just doing these simple steps will  signal to your brain your intent. You’re essentially telling yourself that you don’t feel like working out, but you are open to the idea of movement

Let your brain know your intent

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It doesn’t have to be something big like a full-on run or squats, but just spend 10 minutes being intentionally active. It could be a walking, stretching, spot running, anything that you feel is low intensity

Be active for 10 minutes

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At the end of the 10 minutes, if you’re feeling a little more pumped up, go ahead and do your full workout. If you’re feeling better than when you started, reset your timer to another 10 minutes

Reset your timer

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Sometimes when you say, “I’m not in the mood,’ what you're saying is, ‘I don't feel like doing what I plan to do’

Change your mood, change your exercise

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Try something new today. Maybe dance in your living room instead of going for a jog, do only the breathing exercises from your yoga class, or do some jumping jacks

Want to try dancing or yoga?

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Do something different that you  don’t normally do. This will at best  get your heart rate going and open up  your body for movement

Get your heart rate going

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If you do decide to skip your workout,  try to ensure that you are at least incorporating some movement in your  day. Do some chores, tend to your garden, walk to the grocery store

There is no harm in skipping a day

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If you’re still feeling low, you can  give it a break.Your body deserves  to be heard. Sometimes not being in the mood for exercise means you should take some time off

Your body deserves to be heard