Follow these simple ways for strength training without gym

Bodyweight Exercises: Utilize push-ups, squats, and lunges for effective strength training without gym equipment

Resistance Bands: Incorporate resistance bands for added intensity, targeting various muscle groups for comprehensive workouts

Household Items as Weights: Use water bottles or bags of rice as makeshift weights for resistance

Calisthenics Routine: Engage in calisthenics, including planks, burpees, and mountain climbers, for full-body strength

Yoga for Strength: Certain yoga poses, like plank and warrior poses, enhance strength and flexibility

HIIT Workouts: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) enhances cardiovascular health and builds strength simultaneously

Stair Climbing: Use stairs for an effective lower body workout, improving leg strength and endurance

Consistency and Progression: Regularity and gradual intensity increase are key for building strength without a gym