Food addiction is real.  Here are 10 common signs to watch out for

While cravings are common, there is a problem when they occur frequently and fulfilling or ignoring them becomes difficult.

Does a favourite pastry or snack change your mood from being angry and exhausted to happy and energetic? These are signs of food addiction.

Loss of control is a hallmark of food addiction, just as it is for drugs and alcohol. When a person begins to eat, he or she cannot stop.

Eating in response to emotional triggers, stress, or boredom, rather than hunger, is a sign of addiction.

Experiencing irritability, restlessness, or mood swings when trying to cut back on certain foods?  You need help.

Constantly thinking about food, planning meals, or obsessing over certain foods is another symptom when it comes to food addiction.

Persons with food addiction often consume large quantities of food in private or during nighttime hours to avoid judgement or embarrassment.

Some people just need to eat more of a particular food to achieve the same pleasurable effects over time, which shows that they are addicted.

When your food cravings begin to interfere with work, relationships, or daily activities, its no longer a craving.

Repeatedly trying to control or quit certain foods without success is a common sign of food addiction.

Consuming problematic foods even when aware of the negative impact on health, weight, or well-being shows that you are addicted to food.