Foodie Alert: The top 5 restaurants around the world are...

Central is crowned as the best restaurant in the world. It is the flagship Lima restaurant of chefs Virgilio Martinez and Pia Leon.

Delivering fine dining featuring Peruvian ingredients and techniques for 15 years, it is the first South American restaurant to earn the 'World’s Best' title.

The Peruvian capital has four spots on the list. Other three include Maido at Rank six, Kjolle at rank 28 and Mayta at rank 47.

Central is followed by Disfrutar in Spain's Barcelona and Diverxo in Madrid in second and third place.

Six restaurants from Spain, five from Italy, and four from France made it to the top 50.

Diverxo in Madrid and Asador Extebarri in Axtondo, both from Spain, are ranked third and fourth, respectively.

The fifth best restaurant in the world is Alchemist in Copenhagen. Guests can expect to witness multiple acts of exceptional craftsmanship here.

In Asia, Bangkok's two restaurants debuted on the list for the first time, both in the top 20. It includes Le Du at rank 15 and Gaggan Anand at rank 17.

Not a single Indian restaurant made the cut for the list. And none of the top 10 restaurants are even located in Asia.