Banned for astronauts: Foods not allowed in space 

Crumbs: Foods that produce crumbs, like bread, are banned to prevent them from floating and causing hazards.

Carbonated drinks: Carbonation can lead to gas formation in space, causing discomfort and potential health issues.

Fresh fruits and vegetables: Perishable items like fresh produce have a short shelf life and can spoil quickly. 

Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are prohibited due to their potential impact on crew performance and health. 

Foods with strong odours: Strong-smelling foods can affect air quality in the confined space of a spacecraft. 

Glass containers: Glass can shatter and create dangerous debris in the microgravity environment of space.

Spicy foods: Spicy dishes can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and affect digestion in zero gravity.

Foods with high moisture content: Items like soups and stews can be difficult to consume in microgravity. 

Foods with sharp edges: Items like crackers and chips with sharp edges can puncture packaging or equipment. 

Unstable foods: Foods prone to spoilage or decomposition are avoided to ensure food safety.

Bloating breakfasts: 10 foods to avoid for a comfortable start to your day