Foods you shouldn't cook in cast iron vessels

While cast iron vessels are incredibly versatile and can be used for a wide range of cooking tasks, there are some foods that are best avoided or cooked with caution.

Acidic foods: Foods with high acidity, like tomatoes, citrus, or vinegar-based dishes, can strip away the seasoning on your cast iron pan.

Delicate fish: Flaky fish like sole or flounder can break apart and stick to the pan.

Eggs (scrambled or over-easy): Eggs can stick to the pan and be difficult to remove.

Dairy-based dishes: Milk, cream, or cheese can curdle or stick to the pan.

High-sugar foods: Foods with high sugar content, like desserts or sweet sauces, can caramelise and stick to the pan.

Green vegetables (with high water content): Vegetables like spinach, kale, or green beans can release excess moisture and cause the pan to rust.

Foods with strong flavours: Pungent foods like garlic, onion, or fish can leave lingering flavours in the pan.

However, with proper seasoning, maintenance, and cooking techniques, you can still cook these foods in cast iron vessels. Just be sure to clean and re-season the pan afterward to maintain its non-stick surface.

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