Former PM Manmohan Singh turns 91 today:  A look at how he changed India 

Dr Manmohan Singh, who was finance minister in 1991, played a very important role in liberalising India's economy.

Economic Liberalisation

Reforms included easing foreign investment norms, reducing industrial licencing requirements, and encouraging private sector participation in various industries.

With the aim to enhance livelihood security in rural areas, NREGA, which is one of the largest social welfare programs in the world, was introduced by Dr Manmohan Singh in 2005.

National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA)

NREGA is aimed to provide a legal guarantee for 100 days of employment per year to adult members of rural households willing to do unskilled manual work.

Manmohan Singh ensured transparency and accountability into governance by enacting the RTI Act in 2005.

Right to Information Act (RTI)

It allowed citizens to request information from public authorities, making the government more accessible and accountable.

The agreement, often known as the 123 Agreement, was one of Dr Manmohan Singh's major foreign policy initiatives. It established the path for India and the US to collaborate on civil nuclear issues.

The Indo-US Civil Nuclear Agreement

Despite not being a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the agreement provided India with access to nuclear technology and fuel for its civilian nuclear energy programme.

Launched in 2005, NHM aimed at improving healthcare delivery in rural and urban areas. 

National Health Mission (NHM)

It integrated various health programs and provided funds to strengthen healthcare infrastructure and services.