Friday the 13th: 8 superstitions that people follow on this day

Broken mirror  In some parts of the world, it is considered to be bad luck to break a mirror. Some people believe that it will last up to seven years. Some others believe it unlucky to check their reflection in a broken mirror. 

Cutting nails  Many believe that cutting nails on a Friday will bring a person sorrow. In Japan, there’s a long-standing belief that cutting nails at night will shorten your lifespan. 

Walking under a ladder In some parts of the world, it is considered to bring bad luck to walk under a ladder. This can be due to its association with the triangle which represents the Holy Trinity. Walking through will disrupt the Holy Trinity. 

Purse on the floor Many people, especially in South America believe that placing your purse or wallet on the floor will lead to financial loss or poverty. Thus, it should be avoided at all costs.

Touching iron for good luck While in England people touch wood to ward off evil, Italy has given it a twist. They touch iron to get rid of evil. It’s called tocca ferro in Italian which means touch iron. 

Whistling at night  In Filipino culture, it is believed that whistling at night on Friday the 13 will summon the evil spirit or bad luck. Thus, people avoid whistling at night.

Sweeping feet  It is believed that if someone sweeps over your feet with a broom, you will never get married. If it happens, some people counter it by spitting on the broom to break the bad luck.

Black cat crosses you path People say that one mustn’t cross a path if a black cat has passed through. This gets doubly amplified on Friday, the 13th. The black cat superstitions come from the days of witches taking the form of domestic animals.

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