From dry skin to thirst, 10 signs your body is not getting enough water

Thirst The most clear of dehydration is feeling thirsty. If you have to drink a lot of water to quench your thirst, know that your body requires more water or fluids. 

Constantly dry skin If you have constantly dry skin that you cannot get rid of even after slathering nourishing body lotions, chances are that you are dehydrated.

Extreme fatigue Dehydration leads to tiredness and decreased energy levels. It also negatively affects concentration levels, making it hard to focus on any one task. 

Dark urine If you notice darker urine than usual, it is a sure sign that your body is in need of water. Ideally, your urine should be a pale yellow, anything else is attention.

Dark circles Dehydration can be visible on your face. Your eyes will look hollower. This occurs as dehydration makes the blood vessels visible causing sunken eyes. 

Dizziness or lightheadedness  Dehydration causes blood volume to drop drastically which can lead to sudden feelings of dizziness and lightheadedness. 

Constipation Water is important for moving the waste through the intestines and a lack of it can cause difficulty in doing so. 

Bad breath  If you have been consuming less water it is most likely to give you bad breath as the saliva that contains antibacterial properties decreases due to dehydration. 

Muscle cramps Dehydration can lead to imbalances in electrolytes like potassium, sodium and magnesium that are useful for muscle  function. A disruption in this can cause cramps in the muscles.

Rapid heartbeat or breathing  If your heart has been beating extremely fast or you are breathing heavily then dehydration is at work. The body may respond to low fluid levels by increasing heart rate.

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