From ginger tea to bananas: The best home remedies for food poisoning this monsoon

Ginger Tea  Ginger tea soothes the stomach and reduces nausea associated with food poisoning.

Apple Cider Vinegar  Mix apple cider vinegar with water to balance stomach acidity and ease symptoms. 

Lemon Juice  Lemon juice's antibacterial properties can help kill foodborne pathogens and cleanse your system.

Bananas  Bananas are easy to digest and provide potassium to replace lost electrolytes.

Cumin Seeds  Boil cumin seeds in water for a soothing drink that aids digestion and reduces inflammation. 

Garlic Garlic's natural antibiotic properties help combat bacteria causing food poisoning.

Peppermint Tea  Peppermint tea can calm the stomach muscles and reduce stomach cramps and bloating.

Honey  Honey's antibacterial properties can help soothe the stomach and promote faster recovery.  

Yoghurt Yoghurt contains probiotics that restore the natural balance of gut bacteria.

Basil Leaves  Basil leaves have antimicrobial properties that can help cleanse your stomach and reduce symptoms.

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