From kitchen sponges to bedsheets, these 8 household items could make you sick

Bedsheets  These are a breeding ground for dust mites. Although mites don't bite, they can trigger allergies and asthma. Constant exposure can lead to an immune system response that can trigger a runny nose and watery eyes.

Refrigerator It looks clean but your fridge is harbouring some nasty germs. Spills can lead to bacteria and moulds while the fruit and vegetable drawer also harbours many bacteria.

Hand towel Just because you use it to clean your hands does not mean that it is clean. Germs can stay for hours on the towel. 

Vacuum cleaner While your vacuum machine helps to keep your house clean, the machine is mostly unclean. This can trigger allergies and breathing complications. Make sure to wear a mask while cleaning your vacuum and clean your machine regularly.

Toothbrush When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? There are more bacteria residing on your brush than in the toilet bowl. It is advisable to not share your toothbrushes, rinsing them before and after every use. Replace it every three to four months.

Kitchen sponge This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but your kitchen sponge is one of the dirtiest things in your entire home. Every time you use the sponge to clean surfaces, all those germs are going somewhere and that somewhere is right into that sponge. Replace your sponges every month. 

Desktop  This important item in the corner of your house is full of bacteria and germs. Make sure to wipe your computer and especially your keyboard and mouse with a wet wipe regularly. 

Showerhead While you may be able to see it there could be some dangerous bacteria lingering on your showerhead. To prevent the growth of bacteria, clean out your shower head regularly. Just remove it and submerge it overnight in vinegar.

Ditch that kitchen sponge for these eco-friendly options