Frying or baking: Which should you choose?

When you deep fry foods in oil, high temperature involved in cooking causes the starch in the food to convert to carcinogens, a cancer-causing substance, which can lead to heart diseases and cancer.  

Baking requires no added oil, making them a healthier option. 

High heating of oils with starchy foods can lead to oxidation of oils, which can result in many health problems, including those linked to the kidneys and the lungs.

Baking prevents oxidation because it does not require the addition of oils.

Many deep-fried foods are cooked in partially hydrogenated oils to extend their shelf life. Consuming these oils can weaken your immune system and promote obesity, stroke, and diabetes.

It is best to switch to a baked alternative even for your regular snacking.

Oil is a saturated fat with a high calorie content, which can affect health negatively. 

The addition of oil in frying adds to the calorie count of the food. However, baking does not add any extra calories or fats to the foods you cook, so it is always preferred over frying.

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