Moneycontrol News, August 1, 2023 

Images: Pixabay

Health benefits of eating RAW GARLIC  on an empty stomach


Garlic is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. It contains a rich concentration of allicin, a sulfuric compound responsible for its pungent aroma and many health benefits


Allicin enhances the activity of white blood cells, which are vital in defending the body against infections and harmful pathogens


By consuming garlic in the morning, you provide your immune system  with a natural kick-start, helping it combat illnesses


Regular consumption of garlic can do wonders for your heart health. Studies have shown that garlic helps lower blood pressure levels and reduce the bad LDL cholesterol while increasing the good HDL cholesterol


These effects are attributed to  the sulfur compounds in garlic,  which promote better blood  circulation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases


Including raw garlic in your morning routine is good for your digestive system. It stimulates the production  of gastric juices, which aids in the breakdown and assimilation of food


Its prebiotic properties encourage growth of beneficial gut bacteria, supporting a healthy gut microbiome. A well-functioning digestive system leads to better nutrient absorption and helps prevent gastrointestinal discomforts


Garlic acts as a natural detoxifier, promoting the elimination of toxins from the body. Allicin in garlic enhances the liver's function, allowing it to effectively flush out harmful substances from the bloodstream


Regular detoxification can alleviate  the burden on organs, reduce inflammation, and contribute to clearer skin and increased energy levels


Individuals dealing with fluctuating blood sugar levels can benefit from incorporating garlic into their  morning routine


Studies suggest that garlic can enhance insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood glucose levels. This is especially valuable for people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes