Get Going: 9 ways to invite spontaneity into your life

Say yes more often

Next time someone invites you to do something new, say "yes!" Embrace the unexpected experiences that come your way.

Travel without a plan

Pack a bag and head to a new destination without a detailed itinerary. Explore the area and let adventure find you.

Try a new hobby

Pick up a new hobby or activity that you've never tried before. It could be painting, dancing, or even rock climbing.

Connect with new people

Expand your social circle by attending events, joining clubs, or striking up conversations with strangers. New friendships can lead to spontaneous adventures.

Go on an impromptu adventure

Head out on a spontaneous hike, a drive to a nearby town, or an unplanned day trip. The unpredictability will add excitement to your life.

Switch everyday locations 

Work from a café, study in a park or try a new restaurant. Getting out of your comfort zone can inspire new ideas and experiences.

Unplug for a day

Spend a day without your phone, laptop, or any other electronic device. Reconnect with the world around you and let the spontaneity embrace you.

Write down your anxieties

Write down what’s stopping you from being spontaneous. Reflect on these anxieties, then take steps to overcome them.

Follow your gut

Listen to your inner voice when making decisions. Allow your intuition to guide you towards spontaneous and fulfilling experiences.

8 reasons why you should journal more often