Get into the UK election spirit with these 10 classic foods

Fish and chips One of the staple English dishes, this is a national favourite. The most common fish on the offer is the cod. There are around 10,500 fish and chips shops in the UK.

English breakfast The English breakfast contains fried eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, fried tomatoes and mushrooms. The beverages of choice are usually orange juice and a cup of English breakfast tea.

Shepherd's pie The dish gets its name from the minced lamb used on the bottom layer, as shepherds look after sheep. The pie is baked in the oven until the creamy mashed potato forming the top layer turns golden and the minced lamb begins to bubble.

Toad in the hole Sausages are traditionally called toads in Britain. The dish pairs Yorkshire pudding batter and sausages together. It is served with gravy and peas or mashed potatoes.

Sandwiches Sandwiches are a different ballgame in Britain. Classic flavours include cheese and pickle, cheese and tomato, ham and pickle, ham and coleslaw, ham and cucumber, tuna mayonnaise and egg mayonnaise among others.

Beans on toast One of the most versatile foods, this meal can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are feeling too hungry grate cheese on top of the baked beans.

Crumpets Crumpets are small, circular, spongy breakfast goodies which are best served with loads of butter. These are a versatile breakfast option as they can be cooked in under three minutes.

Crumble This classic British dessert consists of fruits such as apples, blackberries and rhubarb and tossed in cinnamon and sugar. Top it up with crumbly pastry and serve with custard or cream. 

Trifle The trifle consists of several layers with the first layer containing sponge fingers soaked in sherry, then fruit jelly, then custard and followed by whipped cream. This is a cold dessert served in summer. 

Scotch egg This snack contains of a boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, breadcrumbed and then deep fried. For the best scotch egg, make sure yours has a runny yolk.

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